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Addiction Rehab Center Ventura CA

Providing aide to those struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Addiction Treatment Center in Ventura County, CA

Monarch Recovery

Serving All Who Seek Help

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Located in the heart of Ventura, California.

Surrounded by an amazing community, beautiful beaches, and resources to encourage your personal growth, find an addiction treatment center in Ventura, CA. Monarch Recovery's intensive outpatient program provides alcohol & drug addiction treatment and substance abuse treatment to those struggling with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and other disorders as well as mental disorders. Our staff is experienced and well versed with the struggles related to sobriety and mental wellness. At our outpatient drug rehab center in Ventura CA, we utilize many different coping mechanisms and strategic methods with our clients as well as their families which have found to be very beneficial for growth and further relations. Monarch Recovery will make you and your family feel a part of the process of alcohol & drug addiction recovery from the beginning of your journey, as well as providing resources after you graduate our program.


Servicing Ventura County, LA County, and Santa Barbara County.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Addiction and Recovery

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
for Addiction and Recovery

An relapse prevention & intensive outpatient programs or IOP consists of regularly scheduled sessions of structured addiction treatment and mental health counseling. Addiction and co-occurring mental health problems have varying levels of care available, to correspond to a gradual ability to navigate life without the desire for drugs and alcohol use. The intensive outpatient program for substance use is a middle ground between Residential Treatment and Aftercare.


Well how should I start? One thing the people that own Monarch really care about individuals that want to change there life and will help the people get clean. Down to earth individuals that will guide you to recover and get you to where you want to be in life. But only if you want it. If you want to succeed in Life and Recover I advise you to come to Monarch and they will show you what it’s all about.

- Robert

Ventura County: Addiction Recovery and The Drug Epidemic

Monarch Recovery IOP was not founded in Ventura, CA based on some strategic plan, it was founded in Ventura County because we live here and because we love Ventura. We want to support the vibrant community that we have come to know, and love having been raised here, seeing firsthand how drugs have taken over the lives of friends, family, and loved one. It is our firm belief that if we can save just one life through our program, our mission has been successful.


If you or a loved one are suffering from addiction and need help with relapse prevention or in a doubt that where can I get treatment for substance abuse in Ventura, Oxnard, and Thousand Oaks, CA, reach out to us today. Don’t become another statistic. 


Intensive Outpatient Program Ventura County


(805) 340-0051


In Ventura County over 100 people die from opioid overdoses each year, these people are our neighbors, our family, and our friends. The opioid crisis has swept the nation over the years, but its not just opioids like heroine that are compromising the lives of residents it’s also other substances like methamphetamine, alcohol, pills, and yes even marijuana can negatively impact a person’s life.


Coping with addiction is a journey bet taken on with support, our Ventura IOP treatment program offers a system that has been built upon sound clinical case studies that have been proven to help you not just stop using but stay drug free, just pose the question "what does it take to get help from an intensive outpatient program near me", once you have done that you have made two important decisions.



1) You admitted you have a problem

2) You admitted you need help



With these two admissions overcome, now you just need to take action by reaching out to us today, being the best alcohol & drug addiction treatment centers near Ventura, CA, we are here to help you on your road to recovery. By equipping you with the tools you need to face life on life’s terms, you too never have to use drugs again to feel comfortable in your own skin.


Looking for treatment options for alcohol abuse in Ventura, Oxnard, and Thousand Oaks, CA? Monarch Recovery got you covered. Contact us today!




FREE Drug and Alcohol Evaluations

(805) 340-0051


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2660 East Main Street Suite 204, Ventura, CA 93003 - © 2022 Monarch Recovery


California State Certificate 560071AP Expires 4/30/2025

Joint Commission #679065 Issued 12/26/23 Expires 12/26/26

National Quality Approval
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